Basic data for postcode LU7 2NP

Postcode LU7 2NP is placed in LU7 district ( Central Bedfordshire; Linslade Ward; England ).
Nearest postcodes: LU7 2NS ≈0.03 km away,   LU7 2NT ≈0.04 km away,   LU7 2AD ≈0.05 km away,   LU7 2PQ ≈0.07 km away,   LU7 2NR ≈0.08 km away,   LU7 2NN ≈0.1 km away,  
*Tip: Check for other postcodes in Leighton Buzzard from LU postal code area.

LU7 2NP postcode on map

Marker on the map represents approximate location of the LU7 2NP postcode.